this is a tough one...
Marks 5 years since I quit smoking. I remember the night before when I was tired of feeling like crap and I left Joel a note and said "I don't want to see these cigarettes or lighter when I wake up". And he was sure they were gone when I woke up. So glad I wrote that note because I think the next morning I would have gone right back into my routine of lighting up! But with him making sure they were gone made me hold true to my note.
Nobody, including myself thought I would quit, especially when 8 months into my quitting my brother Joe was rushed to the hospital for what we later found out to be an aneurysm. His 2nd, he had one leak when he was 17 and had to have surgery. Now he was 37.
It was August 23rd and Joel and Zach were away camping. I called my mother in law and called the campsite to have Joel woke up and get home. I couldn't breathe, I was hyperventilating, hysterical and crying. I didn't want to go to the hospital - I felt I was bad luck since it was the 23rd, (the same day that we lost Ryan) - I have a thing about numbers???
I kept begging God to please make him be okay. All through the night my brother and sister would call me with updates. By the time Joel got in from camping it was late, we arrived at the hospital after midnight (now the 24th) and Joe had made it through the night.
For 3 weeks we lived at Metro Hospital. Each day a new challenge for my brother to get through. He was on a ventilator and in a self induced coma but we were there. Every day the entire family, and many friends joined us in that room where we waited and waited.
Each week that went by we went through so many ups and downs, at any time I could have grabbed a cigarette... since we would go outside for the others to smoke... but for some reason I didn't.
Then slowly they started taking Joe off the drugs to see if he would wake up. He would squeeze our hands and we were elated!
I remember the night my brother Rob had called me. I was home with the kids and he at the hospital. He called me crying into the phone "He opened his eyes" We were all so happy! This was such a celebration... we were on our way to things being okay.
They scheduled Joe's surgery for September 16th and again we were all at the hospital. Once things began and we knew we were in for a wait my sister and I went to grab coffees. On our way back to the waiting room we could hear my mom crying before we even entered the room. We ran in.... No, please tell us he's okay...
The aneurysm burst while he was in surgery and he lost too much blood. He wasn't going to make it.
They took him back upstairs for us to say goodbye. I remember my brother Rob beating on the elevator doors. We were all crying and they took us into this room to see this person that was no longer my brother Joe. For that entire day we were at the hospital until we said goodbye.
Then it was if we didn't know what to do anymore. We leave... go home... for what? That was September 17, 2003
So you see its hard to believe I didn't go right back to smoking. I think the first part was thanks to my husband for making sure those cigarettes were gone and the 2nd part was thanks to my brother Joe. Because when he had seen I quit, it inspired him to quit too and I didn't want to let him down.
I didn't know this was where I was going when I started this post but this is part of my life, the sadness I have to overcome and remember their lives and what they meant to me.
Tina, I've said this before, but I am constantly amazed at your strength in the face of so much tragedy and loss. You are an inspiration in so many, many ways.
Posted by: Gina | January 05, 2008 at 12:21 PM
Wow...what a story. My heart was pounding. You quit...good for you! I'm sure it must have been hard and at times felt impossible. You should be proud :)
Posted by: jill | January 05, 2008 at 12:35 PM
You must be a very strong lady! You've seen so much in your life. So glad to call you friend. Take care of yourself and be proud!
Posted by: Janie | January 05, 2008 at 12:39 PM
WOW, you are brave!
Posted by: Melina (gingerkitty) | January 05, 2008 at 01:31 PM
You are a strong woman. Good for you for sticking with quit in the face stressful times.
Posted by: Linda | January 05, 2008 at 01:31 PM
Wow, Tina. So many times I read your blog and I am in awe at the person you are! Often, I feel brought to tears hearing all you have managed to endure. But most of all, you exemplify strength. I guess people must hurt so much, only because they love so much.
Posted by: Val Blackburn | January 05, 2008 at 02:16 PM
You are the strongest woman! And I love how that strength has helped me in so many ways. You have no idea the lives you touch with this blog, and your friendships. You are such an inspiration! Love you!
Posted by: Trish | January 05, 2008 at 02:34 PM
I read your blog and I am sorry for all that you have been through and I am glad that you have not taken up smoking again. I have quit for about two years and not one day goes by that I don't want to take it up again but I haven't.
Posted by: Tina B | January 05, 2008 at 05:23 PM
You know that today he is celebrating this special occasion with you - I believe that. He's still very proud of you.
I am inspired by your strength. You are a remarkable person and share your life so openly and honestly. Thank you.
Posted by: Laura | January 05, 2008 at 05:25 PM
Tina, ((HUGS)) I have tears in my eyes. You're such an inspiration to me in so many ways - from your incredible personal strength to your creative talents. Hurray to you to quitting that addiction. I'm confident that not only the family & friends surrounding you are proud, but so are those looking down on you from Heaven. And I am grateful to have gotten an opportunity to *know* you via our blogs. :)
Posted by: Sarah C. | January 05, 2008 at 06:24 PM
You are an amazingly strong woman!! It seems I am touched each time I visit your blog. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. You are an inspiration, as others have said.
Congratulations on making it this long without smoking. I watched how hard it was for my hubby to quit, so I know it's not an easy thing at all.
Posted by: Jan | January 05, 2008 at 06:49 PM
Congratulations, your story just made me give the firs step to quiting, I´ve been thinking on doing it for a while and what you wrote really reached me. Sending you a big hug and Thanks for posting something sopersonal
Posted by: Lida | January 05, 2008 at 08:43 PM
I remember both events. Good for you for sticking with it in the midst of tragedy. He would be proud of you for taking care of yourself. Congrats on 5 years smoke free. Big hugs!!!
Posted by: Beth | January 05, 2008 at 11:47 PM